beauty of style and grace depend on simplicity

November 25, 2010

Postie Post

Over the last eight months I have had the great pleasure of working at Post City Magazines ( Cool office, good job, good people and lots of fun all around. But when the right opportunity came a-knockin' (buying office, womenswear, the Bay), I was faced with one of those grown-up decisions.

Needless to say, today is my last day at Post City and it's a bittersweet one at that. Although totally stoked for all that's to come and this great job opportunity, I'll never forget my time at the magazine and the great little family I became a part of.

Cheers Postie's, I'll miss you!

Photo credit to my good friend, favorite photographer and fellow Post employee, Melissa DiPasquale 

Day One

I have to admit, it took me WAY too long to get started on this. Even though I begin every morning with a warm beverage and my routine blog fix (fashion, friends, celebs and the like), the thought of starting something of my own seemed too daunting a task. Over-dramatic and over-thought out I know, but that’s kind of my thing.

Except EVERY-thing in my world has recently undergone a major facelift/is nearly unrecognizable, so this feels like the appropriate time to start something up and put myself out there in one more way.

Plus, it seems easy enough to do, even for the non-tech savvy!

So I am now officially taking up a small piece of the world wide web to post and share. And so it begins …
